The Photoville FENCE
Between Union St. & Spring St. on Alaskan Way
In partnership with Photoville, Friends presents a free three-block photo exhibit on the waterfront near the rebuilt Pier 62. Showcasing 200 photos from 43 photographers spanning 632 feet along the waterfront, the ninth edition of the Photoville FENCE exhibit is draped on Waterfront Park construction fences from Union St. to Spring St. along Alaskan Way.
Stretching three blocks and featuring more than 200 photos by 43 visual artists, the newest waterfront art installation has arrived. Friends of Waterfront Seattle, in partnership with Photoville presents The Photoville FENCE, one of the largest traveling photography exhibitions in North America. Draped on Waterfront Park construction fences from Union St. to Spring St. along Alaskan Way, The Photoville FENCE photography exhibit will be moved as needed with construction fences.
The Photoville FENCE is a year-round public photography project exhibited in major parks and downtowns across North America. Photographers are invited to participate by submitting their work for consideration by a jury of more than 50 international art professionals. The resulting 9th edition exhibition is presented in the following 11 locations: Atlanta, Brooklyn, Calgary, Denver, Durham, Houston, the FMWF Metro (Fargo, W. Fargo and Moorhead), New Orleans, Sarasota, Seattle, and Winchester. Consistently attracting exceptional work by a diverse pool of photographers, the Photoville FENCE spotlights a wide range of photographic and lens-based stories.